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Mission Statement

Students in a classroom with a teacher

Morgan Middle School’s mission is to cultivate habits of excellence for a changing world by fostering inquiry, identity, and interaction in all students.

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    • Inquirers are curious and have a passion for learning. They have the ability to acquire, process, and use information to gain knowledge, to create understanding, and solve problems.
    • Student demonstrates understanding and use of essential concepts in all content areas and their interdependence and connection to life.
    • Student uses skills, processes, and strategies of effective reading, writing, communicating, reasoning, and performing.
    • Student recognizes relevance and application of curricula: applies creativity and reasoning skills to solve authentic problems.
    • Student pursues learning at demanding levels of thinking, exhibiting the habits of serious learning (i.e., involvement, intensity, reflection, curiosity, motivation, passion, joy, and sacrifice).
    • Student creates high quality products, using effective organization skills, craftsmanship, and presentation methods.
    • Identity is more than self-esteem. It is the process of developing and assessing one's perspectives and discovering one's potential.
    • Student uses independent thinking skills of questioning, analyzing, and evaluating to develop own perspective.
    • Student recognizes how own potential (i.e., interests, talents, and abilities), ethics, and personal choices will affect character development and lead to various education/career opportunities.
    • Student evaluates assumptions, beliefs, and perspectives about social, emotional and physical circumstances; identifies and acts on personal responsibilities for wellness.
    • Student sets goals and evaluates own and others' progress and accomplishments.
    • Student recognizes and affirms own and others' dignity, worth, culture, and race.
    • Interaction includes the qualities necessary for positive human relationships and revolves around the concept of compassion.
    • Student behaves in a reasoned, productive, and responsible way, recognizing legal and ethical consequences.
    • Student utilizes interpersonal skills and attitudes (i.e., honesty, cooperation, kindness, respect) which result in productive, cooperative, and respectful relationships.
    • Student identifies the workings of democracy and contributes service and responsible citizenship.
    • Student identifies the importance of historical contributions and philosophical, societal, and ethical issues.
    • Student collaborates with others in making decisions and solving problems.