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Camp Morgan

Camp Morgan
Prepare to Succeed!
August 18-21, 2025

"This camp was very helpful in making my son comfortable for the first day of school."

"...(my daughter) is now confident and excited about attending Morgan Middle School."

What is Camp Morgan?

This camp was developed to help students transition into middle school and become successful students right away! No more waiting until students feel safe, secure, and ready to learn. Students who attend the camp will be ready to begin the day school starts!

Why go to Camp Morgan?

As teachers, we see many students struggle with just learning the locker routine or how to make it to classes on time. This camp opens the doors to Morgan Middle School early for students to become familiar with their new school and reduce much of the stress of being a new student on the first day of school.

As students experience this "running start" to entering middle school, they will be better equipped to concentrate on their studies and less on remembering where and when classes are, or who to turn to if they need help for any reason.

An added benefit comes with potentially higher scores on state assessments because students will be able to concentrate and focus more on academic learning and less on the stresses of just being a middle school student.

So much to do, so little time!

At Camp Morgan, our time together will be spent doing fun activities to help you, the new middle schoolers, to be a successfully functioning student before school even starts.

We hope to cover the following areas of what it's like to be a Morgan Middle School student:

  • Using combination locks on your lockers
  • Knowing your way around Morgan
  • Exploring clubs and activities that might interest you
  • Learning about ASB -- The Associated Student Body
  • Schedules and how to manage your time
  • Personal safety and how to get the help you need if you need it
  • Developing strong study skills and habits to support your success in your classes
  • Practicing writing and reading skills
  • Forming new relationships with others
  • Getting to know some of Morgan Middle School's great teachers!

An essay by a former camper

Be in the Know!
Feel Confident!
Be a leader and help others!
Feel Safe!
Prepare to Learn!
Be the best that you can be at
Camp Morgan
Morgan Middle School

Camp Morgan Logo


"Yes, because it's fun and gives us a chance to learn about the school beforehand."
"Very helpful -- especially for new kids to get a chance to meet new friends. Thanks!"
"Yes, because it helps you get used to the idea of being in such a big building."
"Yes, I would recommend Camp Morgan. You get a BIG head start."


Day 1—I walked in with her. She was clinging to my hand from the car to the school. She found some friends & joined them.
Day 2—Waited in the car until she saw some friends to walk into school with. Waved good-bye.
Day 3—Walked into school by herself. Waved good-bye.
Day 4—Got out of car & ran into school. Didn’t even wave...mission accomplished.”

"Simply coming early for a week and getting to know some staff has relaxed (my daughter) so much about the start of the new year."

When, Where, Why, How?

August 18-21, 2025
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $65.00 if postmarked by June 30, 2025
Cost $75.00 if postmarked after June 30, 2025
(Includes lunch, a T-shirt, and tons of helpful hints!)
Wear clothes that match the weather, but which are school-appropriate.