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Parent Group


MONTHLY MEETINGS: 1st Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. via ZOOM 

2024-2025 Meetings: 

All meetings are held in the MMS library on the 3rd floor starting at 6:00 PM. 

  • September 12
  • October 3
  • November 7
  • December 5
  • January 9
  • February 6
  • March 6
  • April 3
  • May 1
  • June TBD

2023-2024 Executive Board Members
President: TBD
Vice President: Julee Trudeau
Secretary: TBD

Treasurer: Bridgette Weaver

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to get involved. We have some fun volunteer opportunities for you to sign up for and help with throughout the year.

The purpose of the Morgan Parent Group is to enhance and support the educational experience at Morgan Middle School and to develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement and to enhance the environment at Morgan Middle School through volunteer and financial support. Parent Group fosters relationships among the school, parents, teachers and community.


Staff Appreciation, Year Round (Coordinator Needed)
Organize fun ways to appreciate the Morgan staff throughout the year. Plan at least four staff appreciation "surprises" throughout the year, including Fall Conferences, Spring Conferences, and Teacher Appreciation Week.

MMS Bulldog 5K Fun Run/Walk, January - April (Coordinator Needed)
Gather some friends and work with MPG executive board to organize MPGs 5K fundraiser. Solicit local businesses for sponsorship, post promotional materials around the school and community and send digital materials to MMS Principal, Michelle Bibich to post on Parent Square and Facebook, order t-shirts, collect donations, and set-up the event on race day. 

Spirit Wear Sales, August, December and June ( Coordinator Needed
Coordinate with Shirtworks to create an MMS Spirit Wear online store. Advertise ordering information to families and send reminders through Parent Square.

Scholastic Book Fairs, September  and May (Coordinator Needed)
Work with MPG executive board to manage the online Scholastic Chairperson's Toolkit. Create a sign-up to get volunteers to set-up/pack-up, and run the book fair daily during lunches and during one evening activity. Post promotional materials around the school and send digital materials to MMS Principal, Michelle Bibich to post on Parent Square and Facebook. 

McTeacher Night, TBD (Coordinator Needed)
Coordinate with Ellensburg McDonalds to host a "teacher takeover" at McDonalds. Create a sign-up to get MMS staff volunteers to work 1-hour shirts and meet-up with staff at the event to collect and count monetary donations, etc. Post promotional materials around the school and send digital materials to MMS Principal, Michelle Bibich to post on Parent Square and Facebook. 

Movie Nights, Fall, Winter and Spring (Coordinator Needed)
Choose and organize three free movie nights for MMS students and their families and plan and sell concessions at the events. Post promotional materials around the school and send digital materials to MMS Princpal, Michelle Bibich to post on Parent Square and Facebook. 

Family Fun Nights, Fall, Winter and Spring (Coordinator Needed)
Work with MMS principal Michelle Bibich and the MPG executive boardto organize free evening activities for MMS students and their families. Create a sign-up to get volunteers to set-up/pack-up, and run the event. Plan activities, gather materials, post promotional materials around the school and send digital materials to MMS Principal, Michelle Bibich to post on Parent Square and Facebook. One Family Fun Night will be organized each season, fall, winter, and spring. 

Other Volunteer Opportunities at Morgan Middle School

Other Volunteer Opportunities at Morgan Middle School

There will be many other chances to get involved at MMS throughout the school year. MMS is always looking to get parents and guardians involved and we have several flexible volunteer opportunities, including:

  • WatchDOGS- an opportunity for Bulldog dads to come into the school as volunteers for a day. Choose a day that works with your schedule! Email if you are ready to sign up, or if you want more information.

  • POWER Store- students can trade POWER tickets for prizes in the POWER store every Friday morning from 7:15-7:45 in the MMS commons. No set-up or clean-up required!  Watch Parent Square for opportunities to sign up each month, or email to get scheduled.

  • Popcorn Fridays-  Last year students could trade POWER tickets for fresh, buttery popcorn on the first Friday of every month. We hope to offer this again. Arrive at MMS at 10:30 and pop and serve popcorn to students throughout all three lunches. You'll be done by 12:30!  Watch Parent Square for opportunities to sign up each month, or email  to get scheduled.

  • VIP Assembly Seating- during each ASB Pep Assembly our Golden POWER ticket holders are recognized with a VIP experience that includes front-row seating, popcorn, bottles water, and candy. Arrive at MMS 30 minutes before the assembly to pop popcorn, then serve students and stay to watch the assembly. Dates and times are TBD, but it's typically a 1-hour time commitment. Watch Parent Square for opportunities to sign up each month, or email to get scheduled.

  • Lunchtime Activities/POWER Wheel- during all three lunches students can trade POWER tickets to spin the POWER wheel or play cornhole to win prizes. Days are flexible! Watch Parent Square for opportunities to sign up each month, or email to get scheduled.

  • Walkabout Program- parents/guardians can volunteer to walk around MMS before school, during lunches, or after school to mingle with students, and recognize and encourage positive behaviors and choices. Days and times are flexible! Email if you are ready to sign up, or if you want more information.

MMS also has several one-time volunteer opportunities like helping with Parson's school pictures, counting ASB fundraiser turn-ins, bulletin board, and display case decorating projects, helping teachers with special projects, etc. If you are interested in helping out at MMS, principal Michelle Bibich will help steer you toward a fulfilling volunteer opportunity. 

We look forward to partnering with you to ensure that MMS students, staff, and families have an amazing school year. 

If you are interested in filling a coordinator or other volunteer position, or if you have any questions, please email

Thank you!

Request for Donation Form