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8th Grade Family High School Registration Event - Wednesday, 03/05 @ 5pm

Posted Date: 2/24/25 (9:33 PM)

8th Grade Family HS Registration Event
March 5, 2025
Greetings 8th Grade Students and Families:
Please bring your future high schooler and join the EHS Counselors on Wednesday, March 5th at 5pm in the EHS Commons. We will talk about course options and dual credit opportunities for freshmen. After that, you will have the opportunity to pre-register for freshman year in a computer lab with help from counselors and members of the EHS National Honor Society.

Families of Students with IEPs will have an opportunity to meet high school case managers and discuss programming options at the high school.

EHS Counselors will be at Morgan to make a brief presentation to 8th graders during Advisory on Monday and Tuesday next week. Students will receive their registration packet, a copy of the course description book, and instructions on how to select courses in Skyward.

We look forward to seeing you!
-EHS Counselors

[Monday, Mar 3 at 10:07 AM]
Just a reminder! Hopefully you can join us on Wednesday!

[Wednesday, Mar 5 at 6:53 PM]
We had a great turn out! If you were unable to make it, or if you were there and just want to review, here is a link to the slideshow:

If you have any questions, reach out to your student's EHS counselor:
Last names A-G: Kyoko Cleveland
Last names H-P: Rachael Crosby
Last names Q-Z: Jesse Holsworth